We are so proud to announce that two Interactive Intelligence employees serving as US2020 volunteers have been recognized at the national level as STEM Mentors of the Month! Scott Brookie and John Vetter were featured in the US2020 summer enewsletter for their service as CoderDojo volunteers at Lincoln Middle School in Pike Township. Here is what we shared about their work as STEM volunteers:
“Scott and John took on the task of implementing the Coder Dojo program at Lincoln Middle School. They were very positive and showed great excitement in teaching students the fundamentals of coding. They applied their work experiences to the program so students could see, not just how much fun coding is, but how you can pursue a career in coding and get paid for doing something you may love! Scott and John created lesson plans from scratch and, from my classroom visits, I saw that they did an excellent job presenting material to the students in a way that is kid-friendly yet relatable to the subject. These lessons were carefully crafted and both mentors took time outside of their mentoring hours to research coding games for the students. They showed excitement in future plans for this program, which exhibits how dedicated they are. Scott and John work great together as a team and were both very passionate about giving students the opportunity to learn how to code. They have been an excellent example of the hands-on and high impact mentoring we like to see in US2020 mentors.”
Congratulations and keep up the good work!