Are you ready to join the excitement?

Volunteering at the Indiana Robotics State Championship is a fun and rewarding way to give back to your community and impact the lives of thousands of students from all over the state. In just a few hours of volunteering, you will witness firsthand the creativity of robotics students, and the excitement that comes with problem solving, teamwork, and critical thinking.

In order to pull off an event of this magnitude we need over 400 volunteers. Without volunteers, this event would not be possible because you are the most important part to providing a memorable event for robotics students. Volunteer roles vary in time commitment and experience level, so there is a volunteer spot for everyone!

never been to a robotics competition?

That’s okay! Most of our volunteer roles require no prior volunteer experience. Our staff will train all volunteers so they feel comfortable, confident and competent before the competition begins. As a veteran volunteer or first time volunteer, you will be amazed to see firsthand the amazing engineering solutions our Indiana students have come up with! No where else can you experience this level of scale and impact on Indiana’s future innovators. Check out the video below to see exactly what the state championship event looks like. See you at State!