Now Recruiting AmeriCorps VISTAs!


Since August 2014, TPF4Y has hosted 12 VISTA members who have dedicated their time to the growth and sustainability of our programs. Our VISTAs are an invaluable asset to the work we do and many of our successes, as well as the improvements and changes we continue to implement, are a direct result of their work!

TPF4Y is looking for three new VISTAs to start in June 2019 to help us to grow our impact. Our VISTAs play a key role in ensuring that underserved students continue to have access to experiential STEM learning opportunities. Check out the positions below and share with your network! We can’t wait to welcome these three new members to our team:

Outreach & Community Coordinator (click here to learn more & apply!)

This VISTA member will serve as a liaison between corporate partners, current and prospective mentors, school administration, and teachers to support the growth of STEM Partners, an innovative mentorship program. He or she will also help to identify and launch new math and science after-school enrichment programs, assist program staff with creating a volunteer development plan to improve volunteer retention rates, and help to build a sustainable program model for STEM enrichment during school breaks.

K-12 Program Coordinator (click here to learn more & apply!)

This VISTA member will help us to grow and maintain our State Robotics Initiative (SRI) as the number of VEX IQ robotics teams in Indiana has grown to more than 1,500! SRI has provided thousands of Indiana elementary and middle schools with VEX IQ robotics kits over the past three years. This VISTA will help to recruit schools and community centers to start robotics teams, assist with teacher training, provide event support, and work to develop strategies to sustain the growth of youth robotics in Indiana.

AmeriCorps VISTA members live and serve in some of our nation's poorest urban and rural areas. With passion, commitment, and hard work, they create or expand programs designed to bring individuals and communities out of poverty. Want to learn more about becoming a VISTA? Visit the AmeriCorps VISTA FAQ page.

Questions? Contact!